Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sarah Palin's Religious Beliefs VS. Science
Not one of her official acts as mayor or governor was influenced by her personal beliefs. I know the far left wants everyone to think she is the fanatic they have portrayed in the media, by visiting the churches she has attended, but that is simply not the case. The last time I checked, the constitution grants us all fundamental rights in how we choose to worship (or not).
Finally, Palin grew up in a household where science was very important, HER FATHER WAS A HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE TEACHER!!! She is on record as saying she supports the teaching of the theory of evolution and has reconciled that with her Christian beliefs, as is very common among Christians, including myself.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
America's Economic Crisis and the Election
The blame for the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac fiasco can be laid squarely at the foot of those greedy lenders, investors, mortgage brokers, and real estate agents and others who decided to convince the American public that everyone was entitled to own a home even if they had a very low income, not saved one penny and had bad credit. Others were encouraged to use their home like an ATM machine, i.e.when the bubble inevitably burst, they owed far more on their house than it was worth. Sadly, Americans, by the millions (thinking there was actually a "free lunch") irresponsibly, jumped on that band wagon.
For starters, take a closer look at the very liberal Barney Frank,(D-MA), head of the banking committee in the Democratically controlled congress. He has been one of the key players in helping lead the country to this mess we're in.
Also take a look at the candidates who received the most support from Fannie Mae, Fannie Mac employees. Second on that list would be Barack Obama (to the tune of a half a million) compared to 150,000 for McCain.
Of course, there is enough blame to go around, with the actual fault having little to do with the Republicans and George Bush, but, as the saying goes "the buck stops here" since all of this happened on their watch.
My vote this election will go to the ticket which seems to have the best solution for the very critical issues we face as a nation, regarding national security and the economy. So far that is McCain Palin, hands down!
McCain actually introduced legislation in 2005 that would have tempered this disaster, but it was not approved. McCain and Palin both have demonstrated a far greater willingness to "reach across the aisle" to work on these problems in a bi-partisan manner and have a history of challenging members of the Republican party with whom they disagreed, hence both of their reputations as reformers and "mavericks". I truly believe they are the ones to "shake up Washington"!
At this point we really need to corral all of the best minds (both academics and pragmatists) among our leaders in every party, to come up with solutions to these very crucial issues. The very survival of the country depends on it!
Monday, September 8, 2008
News and News Commentary TV Shows
The "O'Reilly Factor" and "Hannity and Combs" , and Glen Beck (on CNN) have never claimed to be "news" shows. They are news "commentary" programs, hence, the commentators get to air their own opinions. "The Factor" is fair and balanced and has a lot of viewers from the right and the left, which may explains its extremely high viewership.
Olbermann has made numerous jabs at O'Reilly and Fox news with Bill O'Reilly responding in a much less confrontational way. The 3 major networks (esp. NBC), have never accepted the fact that people actually have had a choice in news and news commentary programs the last few years, with the advent of Fox, instead of beng bombarded with their leftist diatribe. I tried watching Olbermann a few times, and he had such an acerbic personality, I had to stop. I do like Chris Matthews however, though I don't often agree with him.
I rarely watch network news anymore,, My favorite station is Cspan, and I try to divide my time between CNN, FOX, and sometimes MSNBC. I prefer to get my news online, however. Guess I've become quite the "News Junkie"!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Oil and the iraq War
At the end of the day, the real truth is, Iraq (and the free world) are far better off without the murderous regime of Saddam Hussein. (Just ask all my Kurdish friends!) We have liberated millions of Iraquis, especially the women, and with the great success of the surge, that country, with America's help, is well on its way to becoming a functional Democratic society. We have also rebuilt, or are rebuilding, that country's infrastructure and schools, etc. far better than they were before, because of Saddam's squandering of resources for his own personal wealth.(Remember the gold fixtured bathrooms in his gargantuan palaces, etc.,etc.)?
If you do not read or listen to anything but the mainstream media here (whose mantra is "Good news is no news", concerning the war), you would never hear the real (good) news about what is happening there! Read the foreign press such as the London Times which does print the positive news!
In response to some others. There is a clear distinction between the Muslim faith and Radical Islam. My concern is that as a whole, relatively few people in the traditional Muslim faith have come forward to condemn the acts of terror and other factions that have hijacked their faith. Fear perhaps?
Palin's Balancing Act
Only two of Palin's five children are small, and judging from the way the smallest daughter was taking care of her baby brother the other night, (remember the "spit shine" on the baby's head!) I would say Sarah is doing a pretty good job of raising the kids right. Everyone knows a 17 year old doesn't always march in lock step with what their parents want, and it seems they are all handling the "babygate" issue extremely well. I can only imagine the awesome situations her children (and grandchild) will get to experience during her term! Besides, just think of the fun the kids will have during "show and tell". Oh, and the kids do have a Dad, and I"m guessing they will have the best nanny money can buy!
We need to elect the candidates who have a proven track record of working across party lines. Both McCain and Palin are well known for "reaching across the aisle" and even standing up to members of their own party! Though not perfect, they are our best and only hope for cleaning up this mess, or even making a dent in it.
Obama has never done that, and has NO EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER. He is also shamelessly using this severe financial crisis for his own political gain, hoping the truth about his friends and cohorts' involvement does not become common knowlege. He, being the elitist he is, probably thinks Americans aren't smart enough to see through all of his rhetoric. Have to hand it to him. He does talk a good game!
The sad truth about Obama is, "The longer he goes, the more he's exposed!"
Why do you Obama supporters suppose terrorist groups such as Hamas and countries that want nothing more than America's demise, fervently want an Obama victory? His election would be the final nail in the coffin for the United States as we have known it.