Friday, November 28, 2008
Musings on Muslim Extremism
I am growing quite weary and troubled by those who want to justify the actions of this group by denigrating all religion, especially, Christianity.
In simplistic terms, Christians follow the teachings of Christ (hence the name Christian) who came "not to condemn the world, but to save it". No where in the New Testament are Christians mandated to kill in his name. On the contrary, we are admonished to "love our neighbor as ourselves", "hate the sin, but love the sinner". The Old Testament is an accounting of Jewish law, which was mostly abolished with the coming of Jesus. The United States' judicial system was, however, patterned after the Ten Commandments, which are in the Old Testament.
Muslims follow the teachings of Mohammed, a warrior and founder of Islam. Islam was established 600 years after the birth of Jesus. The followers of that religion are bound by the teachings of Mohammed, which are clearly outlined in the Koran. The mandate to followers of Islam is to kill all unbelievers, if they cannot be converted. It is all is in there, in black and white, though most Muslims do not take that literally, (hence the Extremist view, which is to interpret it in that way).
Those who refuse to believe that, are courting danger in this very real "War on the West" we are experiencing and which is the source of most of terrorism in the world today. If suddenly and miraculously this war by Muslim Extremists were to cease, the world would be a decidedly more peaceful place.
As stated earlier, this is a simplisitic view, and is much more complicated, but basically that is the way I understand it.
To compare Christianity with Islam is folly at best, and ignores the very real dangers inherent in the teachings of Mohammed. I can only think that a large majority of the world's 2.3 billion Muslims are either illiterate and therefore, haven't read the Koran (just as a lot of people who claim to be Christians haven't actually ever read and studied the New Testament) or simply choose to ignore the part of their holy book which does indeed incite them to violence against unbelievers.
I continue to be amazed at the lack of an outcry among Muslims, as a whole, condemning these violent acts of terrorism.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
God Bless America
John McCain fought the good fight for America against overwhelming odds. His concession speech last night demonstrated that he is truly a class act.
I wish President Obama all the best, and hope all Americans will get behind him. We simply cannot endure another 4 years of intense hatred toward an American president by the main stream media and a lot of our citizens. That does nothing but weaken and divide us.
Obama will need all of our support and prayers as he faces some of the most difficult challenges in our nation's history. My biggest concern is our country's security against those (Radical Islam) who want nothing more than the destruction of our nation and its people.
The good news is that McCain is still our Senator here in Arizona. He took our state by a comfortable margin, as he did in my home state of Tennessee. The other good news is that the citizens of Arizona overwhemingly passed the "Protect Marriage Amendment" to our state constitution.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Election
The sad (and scary) prediction is that, if Obama loses, there will be mass rioting in the streets. Police Depts. all over the country, especially in the predominately Black large cities, are preparing for the worst. They also predict riots if he wins!
It is indeed very troubling to see people voting for Obama soley on his color, and not his "content of character".
He continually has denied knowing anything about the radical agendas of his numerous, far left, close friends and associates for the past 20+ years, his Kenyan aunt who is here illegaly, etc., etc., etc.!
His campaign has effectively silenced any MSM news source that has criticized him,(thrown reporters off his plane, boycotted the Florida TV station that dared to ask a straight question they didn't like, etc).
The ultra liberal "community"organization A.C.O.R.N., for whom Obama has worked in the past, has obviously committed large scale voter registration fraud in order to help swing the election. Again, he has down played his role in helping that group in the past.
The LA Times is refusing to release a video they have of him toasting A PLO terrorist leader. The list goes on and on. Still, masses of the American public prefer to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to these facts.
This man is a charlatan, pure and simple.
Definition of charlatan:
A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.
It is frightening how this man and the far left, liberal, Democratic political machine, have carefully woven their web of deceit around the American people.
Tragically, this has largely been accomplished with the help of an unprecedented amount of donations from the likes of anti-American billionaire,(Mr. "Open Society"),George Soros , and the "Hollyweird" crowd, along with millions in very questionable, untraceable "pre-paid credit card" internet donations, which, are highly suspected to have come from countries that hate us and are fervently hoping for an Obama victory).
Undeniably, the unfortunate timing of the collapse of the financial and housing markets (in large part due to the irresponsible decisions made by the Democatically controlled congress of the past 2 years), has also played a tremendous role in the negative mood of voters towards the Republicans and the citizens' hunger for "change"(even a more devastating change), has allowed this unprecedented, far left, liberal foothold in this election.
May God help us all.