Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Obama and the Stock Market

A lot of financial experts are saying that stocks took an even greater dive after the election and have stayed down since, because investors (both foreign and domestic) are waiting to see what an Obama presidency will do in terms of the economy (taxing the rich, etc). As of now, they do not have the confidence to invest, so are taking a "wait and see" approach..

Overall, Obama's judgement has been impressive as far as most of his cabinet picks and his retaining Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. It was also heartening to see that he did not back down on his choice of having Pastor Rick Warren be a part of the inauguation, despite being under heavy fire from the "gay gestapo" for doing so. Perhaps he will not pander so much to the special interest groups as was feared by many.

It is being predicted the market will recover somewhat, after he takes office, especially if these bipartisan choices become the rule. President elect Obama is an extremely smart man, and since being briefed by the White House on confidential, top security, matters, his stance on ending the Iraq war seems to have have been altered, as he has gained a more comprehensive sobering view on how the outcome of that war (misguided as it has been) relates to America's security (after all, the #1 responsibility of the government is to keep us safe!) The fact that he wants to increase our troops in Afghanistan is very promising.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who voted for him will be undoubtebly, disappointed that all of the entitlements they expected, are not going to come to fruition. There is a glimmer of hope now, for a lot of us naysayers, that Obama might turn out to be a president for all the people after all, and potentially one of our greatest presidents. He certainly has inherited a big mess!!!! May God be with him and

Friday, December 5, 2008

Homosexual "Marriage"

The union between two persons of the same sex and that between a man and a woman will never be "equal", no matter how many laws are passed or rulings by activist judges are made. They are entirely different and therefore, require different words to describe them.

I believe that a committed homosexual couple ought to be afforded the exact same legal rights as a married one through civil unions, etc., however, I along with the great majority of Americans, simply do not want the definition of marriage, that has stood for over five thousand years and is the very bedrock of civilization, changed.

The term marriage ought to be reserved for the union of one man and one woman. I do not believe this is really about the term marriage, however, it is about forcing the acceptance of a lifestyle that most of us find repugnant.

As far as legalizing gay marriage not affecting all of us, one has only to look at the ramifications of the law in Massachusetts. Parents now have no rights at all in terms of what their children can and cannot be taught about the subject. Gays are pushing their agenda heavily in the schools through books and mandatory "education" programs.

Parents are being told they and their children may not "opt out" of these indoctrination sessions since gay marriage is now the law of the land.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sarah Palin, Bright Shining Star of the New Republican Party

Gov. Palin may not have fancy degrees from an ivy league school, but she is a dynamite lady with amazing administrative abilities who has an unprecendented 80%+ approval rating in the state she governs. She is being credited now, in part, for the double digit victory of Saxby Chambliss yesterday, even after the Dems sent in their big guns, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and the rapper, Ludicrous. Imagine that!

Over the next four years, the Republican Party, which sadly, lost its way over the past 8 years, will rally and rediscover its Reaganistic ideals: smaller government, fiscal responsiility, more individual rights and freedoms . All of this and lower taxes.

Sarah Palin is one of several dynamic new stars who have a bright future in turning the party around to accomplish those goals.