Saturday, May 31, 2008

Churches and Gays

I have been a Christian since the age of 13. During the past 40+ years, I have attended numerous religious services, Catholic, Christian fundamentalist, Jewish, Unitarian, Hindu, etc. I have been a member of various Christian sects ranging from very fundamental, evangelical, to extremely liberal.

I very rarely heard any mention of homosexuality in any of the fundamentalist churches I attended over the years, except in Bible study in which certain verses were read and discussed among the adults present. Never did I feel it was my place to judge people.In fact as a Christian I have always been taught we are to love the sinner (and we are all sinners) and hate the sin. God will ultimately do the sorting out. I was however, constantly met with a barrage of propaganda promoting tolerance, demanding acceptance, political posturing for the rights of gays, and condemnation of "traditionional" Christian views in the liberal church, and had their "open and affirming of gays" agenda constantly shoved down my throat.

It was especially disheartening to see the proseletizing on this subject to the very impressionable youth of the congregation. After a while, my husband and I had enough, no longer felt this was a place of worship at all, and left this so-called "church". I am amazed that organizations like this can keep their tax exempt status as they are nothing more than a social club and political organization masquerading as a church.

I am not presently attending any church, however, from past experience, my guess is that in most taditional, especially Evangelical, Christian churches last Sunday, there was very little if any, talk of the California ruling. Praise and worship of Jesus Christ is the predominant focus of the vast majority of these churches, Also, most have a large number of children and young people in the services, and that is not a subject that is deemed appropriate in a general arena with people of all ages present.

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