Saturday, July 5, 2008


President Barrack Hussein Obama, 1st term junior senator from Illinois:

closely associated with far left extremists and self professed terrorists, husband and wife, William Ayers and Bernadette Dorhn,

member for 20 years of a so-called Christian church which has pledged its total allegiance to Africa and honors racist, Louis Farrakan, as well as having had all those years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, an extremely racist, anti-American "pastor", whom Obama called his "spiritual mentor" and the pattern continues....

whose Harvard educated wife has written an anti-American dissertation, as well as publically stated that she has never been proud of her country until now, etc.etc.etc.!

These are just a few of the facts I can think of off the top of my head at 10:30 p.m. this Saturday evening.

And so I ask:
Has this nation so lost it's
collective mind that it would even consider this man as its leader and the leader of the free world?

Well, I'm no political expert, but I am a thinker, and here is my take on this:

I believe people have been totally mesmerized by Obama, mostly because he is a brilliant orator (as long as he has a prepared speech in front of him). Did you notice he absolutely refused to do more than one town hall meeting with McCain, most likely because he would have to "think on his feet" at those forums and face some tough questions from ordinary citizens who "cling to their God and their guns!"

Another reason I believe for this "Obamamania", in addition to the liberal mainstream media clearly showing a bias in his favor, is that, in this time of extreme economic strife and the stress of a long, seemingly never ending war, (both for which Bush and the Republicans have in large part, been unfairly blamed), Americans are so, understandably, desperate for "change". Apparently any "change". People have not stopped to consider that it, most likely, will not be a change for the better with an Obama presidency, unless sending the country into a downward spiral towards socialism and a weakend military at a time of extreme vulnerability to radical Muslim extremists who are developing nuclear weapons, will be a positive "change"!

The "changes" he speaks of have yet to be outlined in any meaningful way, and it seems his stance on serious issues "changes" with the weather! One must also never forget however, that he has a long association with far left liberal persons and organizations and has been called the most liberal senator. A leopard soes not change his spots!

Does America really need a leader who is so polarizing and inexperienced at this very crucial moment in our nation's history?

John McCain is most certainly not perfect, but lacking, at this time, a viable third choice, and taking into consideration all of the afore mentioned facts about Obama, I truly believe John McCain, the ex-POW and "maverick" long time senator from Arizona, is our best bet to be the distinguished next President of the United States of America!!!

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