Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin's Balancing Act

Just how many women in our nation's history have been given the opportunity to become the Vice President of the United States of America? That's right, exactly two (Geraldine Ferraro ran for the Dems once). Palin is not your ordinary "Hockey Mom" anymore, so the naysayers need to get over it. I don't think any of us moms can relate to what Palin is going through!

Only two of Palin's five children are small, and judging from the way the smallest daughter was taking care of her baby brother the other night, (remember the "spit shine" on the baby's head!) I would say Sarah is doing a pretty good job of raising the kids right. Everyone knows a 17 year old doesn't always march in lock step with what their parents want, and it seems they are all handling the "babygate" issue extremely well. I can only imagine the awesome situations her children (and grandchild) will get to experience during her term! Besides, just think of the fun the kids will have during "show and tell". Oh, and the kids do have a Dad, and I"m guessing they will have the best nanny money can buy!

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