Monday, September 8, 2008

News and News Commentary TV Shows

Finally Keith Olbermann of MSNBC has been reigned in regarding his extremely biased and vitriolic cable news show. MSNBC has become such a joke! It was becoming almost comical, but sad, how Keith Olbermann could not contain his vapid jealously of Bill O'Reillly's,"The Factor's" very high ratings (the most watched news commentary show on cable) while his shows were in the tank. There is a reason MSNBC has a reputation as the "OBAMA network!.

The "O'Reilly Factor" and "Hannity and Combs" , and Glen Beck (on CNN) have never claimed to be "news" shows. They are news "commentary" programs, hence, the commentators get to air their own opinions. "The Factor" is fair and balanced and has a lot of viewers from the right and the left, which may explains its extremely high viewership.

Olbermann has made numerous jabs at O'Reilly and Fox news with Bill O'Reilly responding in a much less confrontational way. The 3 major networks (esp. NBC), have never accepted the fact that people actually have had a choice in news and news commentary programs the last few years, with the advent of Fox, instead of beng bombarded with their leftist diatribe. I tried watching Olbermann a few times, and he had such an acerbic personality, I had to stop. I do like Chris Matthews however, though I don't often agree with him.

I rarely watch network news anymore,, My favorite station is Cspan, and I try to divide my time between CNN, FOX, and sometimes MSNBC. I prefer to get my news online, however. Guess I've become quite the "News Junkie"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're thinking. I've turned to NPR to get all my news - now I have no idea what's going on locally. Here's where I get my news online: