Sunday, June 8, 2008

In Defense Of John McCain

The left's chosen form of attack against McCain, is to try and promote him as a carbon copy of George Bush. That, comparison couldn't be farther from the truth. He is in actuality, a centrist and has been known as a "maverick" for a long time in Washington.

Sadly, there are no good choices in this election. For me, it all comes down to who I think will do the least amount of damage to the country and keep it the safest in the next four years, and after weighing all the factors, McCain is my choice.

Those who keep on bringing up McCain's statement about continuing the Iraq war for 100 years, taken in context, he really said we may need to have a "presence" in that country for quite a while, just as we do in several countries that we have been in conflict with. My guess is a lot of Iraquis would welcome that presence, if it fosters a climate of peace from the warring tribal factions there. (Sunni and Shia, Radical Islamists and those who aren't)

As for Obama, "the longer he goes, the more he's exposed". We are all for "hope and change," but , contrary to popular belief, it is possible for our country to be much worse off than it is now. From what I gather, most of us will probably not like the "changes" he has in store for us, unless you think (for example) socialism and appeasement of our mortal enemies is good for the U.S.A.!

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