Sunday, June 8, 2008

Stereotyping People

One's religious or political affiliation has absolutely nothing to do with the sort of vehicle a person drives. My husband and I are moderates, (me leaning more to the conservative side, and he to the liberal). We are Christian, but do not identify ourselves with any label or denomination.

I don't know anyone who fits the stereotypes some people seem to use frequently to marginalize people with whom they don't share beliefs and lifestyles.

My husband and I choose to own only one vehicle, a 96 Volvo sedan, which we keep in "creampuff" condition. Since he telecommutes and travels out of state,(flying) half the time, and I am a homemaker, it works for us. We have also diligently used the city of Phoenix's recycling program for over 20 years (our neighborhood was the first to participate).

I believe it is time for us to stop being so devisive and think of people as people, not identifying them according to color, party affiliation, religious beliefs, sexual preference, etc..

In the end we are all Americans, and need to come together to solve these very grave issues we all face right now.

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