Sunday, June 8, 2008

Iran and Nuclear Weapons

The United States is a member of group of countries who have agreed on which countries are "stable" enough to have nuclear weapons. It is generally accepted by the free world that Iran is a terrorist state, and has the added danger of having a madman as president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He has stated repeatedly that he will not hesitate to use a nuclear weapon against Israel and considers the USA the "Great Satan".

Islamo-Fascism is the greatest threat in the world today, and Iran is the "head of the snake." As a child of a World War 11 gunner who did 38 missions, his brother, (a pilot) killed in action, and 4 other uncles, (one who was in the first wave at Omaha Beach in Normandy), and who all received purple hearts, and my mother having been a riveter on "The Liberator" airplane, I really take offense at the notion that this country's use of atomic bombs in World War 11, justifies a country like Iran getting a nuclear weapon. That action, from what I know from countless historical accounts, actually saved thousands of lives and brought an end to the war!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.